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Poster: electricsnow  (see this users gallery)

Pictured is the imagery from the Linear Perspective VHS packaging (front and back). Linear Perspective is, of course, Cassette's first team video, and also the first video dedicated exclusively to wakeskating.

I know it premiered at the Surf Expo in 2001, but I am not sure if it was released in late 01 or early 02. I personally bought my copy in April of 02, and at the same time I spoke to this regional LF rider who was like "what did I just see?" (in regards to the "artyness")...so it was somewhere around there.

In addition to that, the imagery within is groundbreaking in so many ways...early noseslide variations on the first 3-D concave prototypes from Thomas, a lot of ridiculously smooth riding on flat decks (thank you, Cole Munster), and probably some of the most creative uses of terrain, especially at the time. This includes but is not limited to the Tim Kovacich's fountain ollies and the presence of the Mizell boxes, which have become a staple to every film that features these dudes all together.

Finally, the format of the film is worthy of mentioning. Linear Perspective is not your standard trick after trick video. Instead, the entire film is a piece of art, and the non-wakeskate imagery ties the entire film into one cohesive piece--wakeskating is an artform and it's about adapting and using the medium to its greatest use, which is why the Cassette team has always been able to make even the simplest tricks look like poetry in motion.
· Date: Mon April 14, 2008 · Views: 52880 ·
Keywords: Linear Perspective VHS

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